Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Ghost Herd

In the spring of 2005 people in the Plains states started reporting sightings of a huge herd of buffalo when the sun was down and the moon was full. Some said the buffalo were white, others said it was the moon that made them look that way, still others said they were the ghosts of the herd that once ranged here and that had risen from the earth to right a terrible wrong. But none disputed the herd was real: Huge swaths of farmland were trampled to dust. Roads were broken as if by steel hooves. Eye witness accounts told of narrow escapes up trees or in drainage pipes as the herd rumbled past in a deafening roar.

In the summer of 2006 The Fantastic Society of Peculiar Adventurers dispatched an expedition to investigate these sightings, and if possible engage the Ghost Herd.

Here are a few photos from the first day of that expedition:

Here is Crow running for dear life. The animal behind him was preparing to attack, Crow claimed, which is why he had no choice but to enact his ‘Me First’ policy and knock over the photographer.

Here is Crow warning all to evacuate the area – these beasts were about to attack he claimed. “Most people don’t know buffalo have huge fangs,” said Crow later. “AND I DON’T EITHER!”

“Have you ever seen anything so beautiful? That sky! Those beasts!” remarked Wren Littlefield, the expedition’s head biologist. At this point someone reminded the party these were just everyday buffalo and not the Ghost Herd, which only comes out at night--they had better get serious if they didn’t want The Society to cut funding.